التعويق زمن سلاطين المماليک (648-923 ﻫ /1250-1517ﻡ)

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


مدرس بقسم الإرشاد السياحي، کلية الآداب، جامعة عين شمس، مصر


Although the care was given by the historians of Islamic civilization to study the Mamluk terms,the term of incarceration was not studied appropriately. As a result, the researcher will focus on that term, its different meanings, the reasons that led to sentenceincarceration, and finally, the results the researcher deducted.The study is divided into a few relevant points to the term incarceration linguistically and idiomatically as it has different meanings; first in the meaning of temporary confine in addition to the similarities and differences between this and the known punishments that restrain freedom. The second in terms of delay or the third that means prevention.  The study was appended by a table that summarizes the cases of incarceration during the Mamluk period. It shows time of the incarceration, its reasons; the places at which theywere sentenced and the procedures accompanied them. Finally, the study presents the conclusion that comprises ananalyzed studyof the incarceration in accordance with Mamluk sources and historical incidents.

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