السوريُّون في مصر خلال عصر البطالمة The Syrians in Ptolemaic Egypt

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


أستاذ التاريخ اليوناني – الروماني المساعد، کلية الآداب، جامعة الفيوم، مصر


لا يتناول هذا البحثُ دراسة العلاقات السياسية بين مصر وسوريا خلال عصر البطالمة، کما إنَّه لا يتناول دراسة الصلات التجارية بين البلدين خلال الفترة ذاتها؛ لأنَّ هذه الموضوعات تناولها بالفحص والدراسة العديدُ من الباحثين. إنَّما يهتمُ هذا البحث بدراسة أحوال السوريين الذين کانوا يقيمون داخل أقاليم مصر المختلفة خلال عصر البطالمة (332-31ق.م)، من حيث أسباب قدومهم إلى مصر وأماکن إقامتهم فيها، والمهن والحرف التي کانوا يزاولونها أثناء إقامتهم، فضلاً عن أوضاعهم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، والآلهة التي کانوا يتعبدون إليها؛ وذلک من خلال ما ورد من إشارات تتعلق بهم سواء في المصادر الأدبية أو الوثائق البردية.
This study does not deal with the political relations between Egypt and Syria during the Ptolemaic period or with the trade relations between the two countries during the same period; because these topics were examined and studied by many scholars before. This study is concerning with the conditions of Syrians who lived inside the different districts (nomoi) of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period (332-31 BC), in terms of their reasons for coming to Egypt and their places of residence, the professions and crafts they practiced during their stay, as well as their social and economic conditions, and the gods they had worshiped. And that through what was reported about them, whether in literary sources or documentary sources, especially papyri. 

الكلمات الرئيسية

أولاً- المصادر:
المصادر الأدبية:
1- Appian. Roman History, Volume II. Edited and translated by Brian McGing. Loeb Classical Library 3. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1912.
2- Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica: Immanuel Bekker, Ludwig Dindorf, Friedrich Vogel, Immanel Bekker, Ed. in aedibus B. G. Teubneri. Leipzig. 1888-1890. Keyboarding.
3- Herodotus, The Histories: with an English translation by A. D. Godley. Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1920.
4- Josephus. Flavius, Antiquities of the Jews: The complete The Works of Flavius Josephus. Translated by. William Whiston, A.M. Auburn and Buffalo. John E. Beardsley. 1895.
5- -------------------. The Wars of the Jews, The Works of Flavius Josephus. Translated by. William Whiston, A.M. Auburn and Buffalo. John E. Beardsley. 1895.
6- Theokritus, Idylls: R. J. Cholmeley, M.A. London. George Bell & Sons. 1901.
المصادر الوثائقية:
1-    P. Ashm. Dem= Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the Ashmolean Museum. I, Embalmers' Archives from Hawara, ed. E.A.E. Reymond, including Greek Documents and Subscriptions, ed. J.W.B. Barns. Oxford 1973.
2-    BGU = Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen (later Staatlichen) Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. Berlin.
3-    P. Cair.Zen: Zenon Papyri, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, ed. C.C. Edgar. Cairo. form I-V (1925-1940).
4-    P. Col. Zen: ed. W.L. Westermann, C.W. Keyes, and H. Liebesny. New York 1940
5-    P. Corn: Greek Papyri in the Library of Cornell University, ed. W.L. Westermann and C.J. Kraemer, Jr. New York 1926. Nos. 1—55.
6-    P.Eleph: Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen in Berlin: Griechische Urkunden, Sonderheft. Elephantine-Papyri, ed. O. Rubensohn. Berlin 1907.
7-    P.Enteux: ΕΝΤΕΥΞΕΙΣ: Requêtes et plaintes adressées au Roi d'Égypte au IIIe siècle avant J.-C., ed. O. Guéraud. Cairo 1931—32. (Publ.Soc.Fouad I). Nos. 1—113 and appendix of 4 texts.
8-    P.Gurb: Greek Papyri from Gurob, ed. J.G. Smyly. Dublin 1921. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs 12). Nos. 1—29.
9-    P.Hamb: Griechische Papyrusurkunden der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek. I (in 3 parts), ed. P.M. Meyer. Leipzig-Berlin 1911—1924. II mit einigen Stücken aus der Sammlung Hugo Ibscher, ed. B. Snell and others. Hamburg 1954. III, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Bonn 1984. IV, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Stuttgart and Leipzig 1998.
10-    P.Hawara: Demotische Urkunden aus Hawara, ed. E. Lüddeckens, with R. Wassermann and for the Greek, R.W. Daniel. Stuttgart 1998.
11-    P. Koeln (P.Köln):  Kölner Papyri. p.koeln. I, ed. B. Kramer and R. Hübner. Opladen 1976. II, ed. B. Kramer and D. Hagedorn. Opladen 1978. III, ed. B. Kramer, M. Erler, D. Hagedorn and R. Hübner. Opladen 1980. IV, ed. B. Kramer, C. Römer and D. Hagedorn. Opladen 1982. V, ed. M. Gronewald, K. Maresch and W. Schäfer. Opladen 1985. VI, ed. M. Gronewald, B. Kramer, K. Maresch, M. Parca and C. Römer. Opladen 1987. VII, ed. M. Gronewald and K. Maresch. Opladen 1991. VIII, ed. M. Gronewald, K. Maresch and C. Römer. Opladen 1997. IX, ed. M. Gronewald and others. Opladen 2001. X, ed. M. Gronewald and others. Paderborn et al. 2003. From  XI – XVI (2007-2018).
12-    P.Lille:Papyrus grecs (Institut Papyrologique de l'Université de Lille). p.lille I, ed. P. Jouguet, P. Collart, J. Lesquier and M. Xoual in 4 fasc., 1907, 1908, 1923 and 1928. (Vol. I appeared all together [with Fasc. I and II reprinted] in 1929 as part of the Travaux et mémoires de l'Université de Lille, hors série).
13-    P. Lond: Greek Papyri in the British Museum. London. At present 7 vols. (Vol. VI continues the numerical sequence of the London papyri, but forms a separate publication regarded as vol. VI only retroactively. Up to the end of vol. III, texts are usually cited by volume no., serial no., and page.) There are separate atlases of plates to vols. I—III. [Atlases, MF 2.111, 2.112, and 2.113]. I, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1893. Nos. 1—138. II, ed. F.G. Kenyon. 1898. Nos. 139—484. III, ed. F.G. Kenyon and H.I. Bell. 1907. Nos. 485—1331. Nos. IV, The Aphrodito Papyri, ed. H.I. Bell, with appendix of Coptic papyri ed. W.E. Crum. 1910. Nos. 1332—1646; nos. 1494—1646 are Coptic.
V, ed. H.I. Bell. 1917. Nos. 1647—1911; no. 1709 Coptic, no. 1792 Latin. VI, Jews and Christians in Egypt; The Jewish Troubles in Alexandria and the Athanasian Controversy, ed. H.I. Bell and W.E Crum. 1924. Nos. 1912—1929; nos. 1920—1922 are Coptic. VII, The Zenon Archive, ed. T.C. Skeat. 1974. Nos. 1930—2193.
14-    P. Oxy: The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Published by the Egypt Exploration Society in Graeco-Roman Memoirs. London. Vols from I-XV (1898 -1922) ed. By B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. vol. XVI ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt, and H.I. Bell. 1924. XVII, ed. A.S. Hunt. 1927. XVIII, ed. E. Lobel, C.H. Roberts and E.P. Wegener. 1941. XIX- LXXXIII (1948-2018) ed. by E. Lobel, E.P. Wegener, C.H. Roberts and H.I. Bell, E.G. Turner and J.W.B. Barns, D. Page, P.J. Parsons, J.R. Rea, L. Ingrams, P. Kingston, ed. R.A. Coles, D. Foraboschi, A.H. Soliman el-Mosallamy, U. Schlag and others.
15-    P.Petaus: Das Archiv des Petaus, ed. U. Hagedorn, D. Hagedorn, L.C. Youtie and H.C. Youtie. Opladen 1969. (Pap.Colon. IV). Nos. 1—127
16-    P. Petr: The Flinders Petrie Papyri. Dublin. (Royal Irish Academy, Cunningham Memoirs). I, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1891. II, ed. J.P. Mahaffy. 1893. III, ed. J.P. Mahaffy and J.G. Smyly. 1905.
17-    PSI: Papiri greci e latini. (Pubblicazioni della Società Italiana per la ricerca dei papiri greci e latini in Egitto). Florence. The first eleven volumes were edited by a number of persons under the general direction of G. Vitelli and M. Norsa. A list of reeditions of documentary texts is given by P. Pruneti in Pap.Flor. XIX.2, pp. 475—502. Volumes 16- are published under the title Papiri della Società Italiana in the series Edizioni dell'Istituto papirologico G. Vitelli.
18-    P.Sorb: Papyrus de la Sorbonne, I, ed. H. Cadell. Paris 1966. II, Un Codex fiscal Hermopolite (P.Sorb. II 69), ed. J. Gascou. Atlanta 1994. III, ed. H. Cadell, W. Clarysse and K. Robic. Paris 2011.
19-    SB: ammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten. (A collection of documentary papyri, ostraca, inscriptions, mummy tablets and related texts published in journals or unindexed catalogues. Begun by F. Preisigke in 1915, continued by F. Bilabel, E. Kiessling, and H.-A. Rupprecht). In progress.
20-    P. Tebt: The Tebtunis Papyri. London. I, ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly. 1902. II, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt. 1907. III, pt. I, ed. A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly, assisted by B.P. Grenfell, E. Lobel and M. Rostovtzeff. 1933. III, pt. II, ed. A.S. Hunt, J.G. Smyly and C.C. Edgar. 1938. IV, ed. J.G. Keenan and J.C. Shelton. 1976. V, ed. A. Verhoogt. Leiden and Boston 2005.
21-    UPZ:Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit (ältere Funde), ed. U. Wilcken. I, Papyri aus Unterägypten. Berlin—Leipzig 1927. Nos. 1—150. II, Papyri aus Oberägypten. Berlin 1935—1957. Nos. 151—229.
22-    P.Zen.Pestm:Greek and Demotic Texts from the Zenon Archive, ed. under the general direction of P.W. Pestman. Leiden 1980. (Pap.Lug.Bat. XX). Nos. 1—13 are bilingual Greek and Demotic papyri; nos. 14—76 Greek papyri. Appendix nos. A—F.
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