The article shed new lights on the Egyptian term ‘swḥ’. It discussed the root of the term, meanings, and its frequent use. It investigated all possible derived words and their origins to determine the words derived from the term and these that derived from later acquired meanings. The article dealt with the words in a lexicographical study discussing the different orthographies, attestations, primary meanings, the significances and the metaphoric use of each of the derived words. The article draws on the word-tree in the Egyptian language. How a term might gain new meanings; and how new meaning of a term can be used later independently as a new root gaining new independent meanings.
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Gamal Rashed, Mohamed. (2021). 'New Lights on the Root / Family of the Ancient Egyptian Word 'swḥ. Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 38(1), 203-224. doi: 10.21608/bcps.2021.204055
Mohamed Gamal Rashed. "'New Lights on the Root / Family of the Ancient Egyptian Word 'swḥ", Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 38, 1, 2021, 203-224. doi: 10.21608/bcps.2021.204055
Gamal Rashed, Mohamed. (2021). ''New Lights on the Root / Family of the Ancient Egyptian Word 'swḥ', Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 38(1), pp. 203-224. doi: 10.21608/bcps.2021.204055
Gamal Rashed, Mohamed. 'New Lights on the Root / Family of the Ancient Egyptian Word 'swḥ. Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies, 2021; 38(1): 203-224. doi: 10.21608/bcps.2021.204055