Spittle in Ancient Egyptian Religious Texts

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


fayoum university , Egyptology Department


Spittle carried important symbolic reference in Pyramid texts, Coffin texts and the Book of the Dead, where it was related to the gods like the god “Horus” who spat milk from his mouth and spat his Spittle to face his enemy “Seth”. Spittle was also related to the god “Papi” who spat poison on the body. Spittle also participated in treatments from diseases, where spitting on wounds helped them to cure, while spitting on hair locks helped its growth. 
  Rivers flow with spittle discharging from the mouth to open by this the horizon doors so that the deceased could ascend to heaven.
Spittle was connected to myths like the creation myth, the myth of Horus and Seth, solar myths such as “Re and Apopis”.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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