المصادر والمراجع والمواقع الإلكترونية
اعتمد الباحث في النصوص الواردة في البحث على:
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL), University of California Irevine 2000.
Ael. Her. et Ps. Her. = Aelius Herodianus et Pseudo Herodianus.
Aes. = Aeschylus, Eumendies, Persae and Agamemnon, Promestheus Vinctus, and Septem contra Thebas.
P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri, Being an Account of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A. at Didlington Hall, Norfolk, ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt, London. 2 Vols, Vol. I. 1900. Nos. 1- 9, Vol. II. 1901. Nos. 10- 201.
Apoll. Dysc. = Apollonius Dysculus.
Apoll. Rh. Arg. =Apllonius Rhodes, Argonautica.
Ath. Theo. = Athanasius Theology, De Sancta and Trinitate.
Basil. Theo. = Basilius Theology, De Spiritu Sancto and Liturgia.
Cel. Alex. Theo. = Celemens Alexandrinus Theology, Eclogae Propheticae.
Chr. Wilck. = Wilcken Papyri Document.
Dem. Orat. Rh. = Demades Orator Rhetoric.
Dem. Orat. = Demosthenes Orator, Philippica and in Dionysodorum.
Diod. Sic. Hist. = Diodorus Siculus, Historiae.
Dio. Läe. V. Phil. = Diogenes Läertius, Vitae Philosophorum.
Dos. Mag. Gramm. = Dositheus Magister Grammaticus, Ars Grammatica.
Etym. Mag. = Etymologicum Magnum.
Etym. Par. = Etymologicum Parvum.
Eur. Alc. = Euripides, Alcestis.
Herm. Rhet. = Hermogenes Rhetoric.
Hdt. Hist. = Herodotus, Historiae.
Hom. II. and Od. = Homerus, IIias and Odyessa.
Insc. Gr. = Inscriptiones Graecae.
Joseph. Ant. Juda. = Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae.
Lex. Seg. De Syn. = Lexica Segueriana, De Syntacticis.
Syn. An. Gr. = Syntactica, Anecdota Graeca.
Lex. Syn. = Lexicum Syntacticum.
M. Aur. An. Imp. = Marcus Aurelius Antonius Imperator.
Orion. Gramm. Etym. = Orionus Grammaticus Etymologicum.
P. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Published by the Egyptian Society in Graeco- Roman Memoirs. London. The number in this series. Earlier vols. Carry the heading of Egypt Exploration Fund, Graeco- Roman Branch; even after the title change numbers were not assigned to the volumes until the 1950s.
Pl. = Plato, Protagoras, Apologia Socrates, Alcibiades, Republica and Symposium.
Polyb. Hist. = Polybius Historian.
Ptol. Gramm. De Diff. Voc. = Ptolemaeus Grammaticus, De Differentia Vocabularum.
Soph. = Sophocles, Antigone, Ajas, Oedipus Coloneus and Philoctetes.
Sud. Lex. = Sudas Lexicon.
P. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, London I, ed. B.P. Grenfell; A.S. Hunt and J.G. Smyly 1992, University of California Publications Graeco- Roman Memoirs, 5 Vols (1907- 2005).
Theo. = Theophrastus.
Thom. Mag. Phil. Ecl. Nom. et Verb. Att. Thomas Magister Philology, Eclogae Nominum et Verborum Atticorum.
Thuc. Hist. = Thucydides Historian.
UPZ = Urkunden der Ptolemäerzeit (ältere Funde), ed. U. Wilcken, (Republicationes of Texts published in the nineteenth century, up to but not Petrie Papyri, 2 Vols. (1927- 1957).
Vit. Aes. = Vitae Aesopus.
Xen. Anab. = Xenophon, Anabasis, Cyropedia and Hellenica.
المصادر الأصلية:
Ἡ ἁγία γραφή, Ἀθῆναι, Ἀδελφότης θεολόγων ἡ «ΖΩΗ» 1994.
القواميس والمعاجم:
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المواقع الإلكترونية: