Peer Review Process

1- The Bulletin of the Center for Papyrological Studies and Inscriptions, is an annual periodical specialized in publishing papyri, inscriptions, ostraca, ancient currency, or other related studies such as: language, literature, history, archeology, art, sculpture, religion, philosophy, restoration, and social activities in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian, the Greek., the Roman, and the civilizations of the Ancient Near East. No research will be accepted outside of these disciplines.

2- The research is sent through the bulletin’s website to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank after paying the fees prescribed for refereeing.

3- The researcher has to fill out a form containing their personal data and the data about the research submitted for publication and he or she has to submit it either on paper to the Unit of Scientific Publishing at the Center for Papyrological Studies and Inscriptions, Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University or electronically through the bulletin’s website to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

4- After the refereeing stage and the acceptance of the research for publication, the researcher has to pay the cost of printing and publishing. Then he or she has to follow-up the research formatting, the application of the rules of publishing, and the linguistic revision, with the editorial board via the bulletin’s website of the publishing unit. The research is to be considered as acceptable for publication only after the researcher has fulfilled all the aforementioned requirements of the referees and the reviewers of the publication unit.

5- Conforming to the decisions of the Center’s Board of Directors, research projects are to be accepted from January until the end of June of each year or until the number of the required research projects is completed (whichever is closer).Accepted research that fulfills the editorial and the publication requirements are to be published in December of the same year of the research submission. Firstly, the publication of the research is going to be electronic on the bulletin's website, and then it is going to be printed in paper after that in the bulletin's annual issue. 

6. The researcher is not allowed to publish more than one research in one issue, and what is more than that is deferred to the next issue after fulfilling the requirements of publication. It is to be noted that the number of pages of the research submitted for publication should not exceed twenty-five pages, including images and figures. What is more than this is counted as extra pages with a maximum of forty pages for the entire research.