The historical significance of the inscription of the Great Temple of Amun at Gebel Barkal No. B500

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture, Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Damietta University, Egypt


This analytical study focuses on the inscription of the Great Temple of Amun in Gebel Barkal No. B500. Further, it specifies the beginning of the conflict; and the war between the Kushites and the Assyrians, As it is known that the beginning of the conflict between the two powers dates back to the reign of King Shabaka, as inferred from a scene from the reign of King Sargon II, in which the first photographic evidence from the Assyrian side was found in some mysterious inscriptions in Khorsabad. Preserved in the fifth room of his palace, a series of carvings in the lower register referring to the campaigns of Sargon, in particular, the one depicting Sargon''s campaign 720 BC against Palestine appears to show the Assyrians in the battle against some Egyptians. What caught the attention of the researcher for this inscription is that both Arab and foreign sources completely ignored it during the recent works that dealt with this Kush-Assyrian conflict. In this study, new facts about this conflict are mentioned. The researcher studied and analyzed this inscription, in order to accurately determine the beginning of the conflict and the date when it started.


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