Two blocks published from The Storehouse of Qeft R.N781, R.N397

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Archaeology, South Valley University-Egypt


These two pieces are from the museum store in Qeft; The first piece, No.R.N 781, is sandstone dating back to the Ptolemaic period. However, the study found that it was from the Dynasty 26, a man named Nespakashouty the Son of a Divine Father in Thebes "pa-di- bastt", this piece was found in an archaeological seizure at the Hurghada Antiquities and Tourism Department. Further, it was placed in the museum store in Qeft. The study will link it to vizier Nespakashouty 312's  tomb at  Deir el-Bahari.
The study found that this piece was the only one to bear the name of his father, "pa- di_ bastt ", who also bore the divinely father title of his son after him; the father's name was not found on the inscriptions or inscriptions in American museums, but his mother appeared on irty rwtyw grave named Erty Roteo. It is worth mentioning that the tomb of his mother was found in the Al-Asasif area.
The second piece is number R. N 379. The one in the same store is limestone, It was extracted from the sanctuary of the Temple of Qeft it contains two lines of hieroglyphics dating back to the Pharaonic age. However, this study reveals that it dates back to the New Kingdom.


أولًا- الدوريات:
ÄA = Ägyptologische Abhandlungen, Wiesbaden.
ÄF = Ägyptologische Forschungen, Glückstadt, Hamburg, New York.
ASAE = Annals du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte, Le Caire.
APAW = Abhandlungen der Preubischen Akademie der Wiessenschaften, Berlin.
BiFAO = Bulletin de l'institut Francais, d'archéologie orientale, Le Caire.
BTAVO = Beihefte zum tübinger Atlas des vorderen orients, tübingen.
CASAE = Cahier,supplements aux ASAE, Kairo=SASAE
DÖAW = Denkschriften der österreichischen Akademie der Wiessenschaften, Phil-hist. Kl., Wien; bis 1949 DAWW.
EEF = Egypt Eploration Fund. Archaeological Reports, London.
JEA = Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, London.
JNES = Jounal of Near Eastern Studies. Dept. of Near Eastern Lang. and Civilis. Univ. de Chicago (Chicago, illin) Contue AJSL.
LÄ = Lexikon der Ägyptologie, 7 vols, Wiesbaden.1975-1986.
MÄS = Münchner Ägyptologische Studient, Berlin, München.
MDAiK = Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen instituts, Abteilung, Kairo [Wiesbaden].
MMAJ = The metropolitan museum of art journal, New York
SASAE = Suppléments aux ASAE, Le Caire.
TT = Theban Tomb .
VA  =  Varia Aegyptiaca, Texas
ZÄS = Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Leipzig, Berlin.
ثانيًا- اختصارات المراجع:
Davies, El-Amarna = The rock tombs of El-Amarna , 6 vols, London: 1903-8.
 Edfou = Chassiant, É., & Cauville, S., Le Temple D' Edfou, 15 vols., MMAF, 1918-1985.
Faulkner, Dict. = Faulkner, R. O., A consice Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Oxford: 1962.
Gardiner, EG = Gardiner, A., Middle Egyptian Grammer 3rd ed., Oxford: 1962.
Hannig, GHwb = Hannig, R., Groβes Handwörterbuch, Ägyptisch – Deutsch. Mainz: 1995.
Oxf. Enc. = Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, AUC Press, 3 vols. Cairo: 2001.
PMI = Porter, B.,mos, R.L.,Topograohical bibliography of ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic texts, Reliefs and paintings. Oxford: 1927-1952
Ranke, PN = Ranke , H , Die Ägyptische personnamen, 3 band. Glückstadt:1935-1952.
Wb = Erman, A., & Grapow, H., Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Sprache, hrsg, 7 vols. Berlin: 1971.
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- Helck, Walfgang, Lexikon der Ägyptologie, 7 vols. Wiesbaden: 1975-1986.
Oxf. Enc. = Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, AUC Press, 3 vols, Cairo: 2001.
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