Unpublished Cartonnage Mummy-Mask from El-Ashmounin Museum Magazine

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Archaeology Dep. Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Egypt


This paper deals with a cartonnage mummy mask that is now preserved in the El-Ashmounin Museum Magazine, in Minia Governorate. This unpublished mummy mask was not studied or included in any studies concerning cartonnage mummy masks. The piece in question is made of linen and painted plaster. The cartonnage consists of a mask and three breast pieces, except for the ruined lower side parts of the mask, the piece is in a good state of preservation. The paper also aims to suggest the provenance of the cartonnage. Based on the features of Egyptian profane art during the Graeco-Roman period, this paper studies the depicted mythological scenes as well as the accompanying inscriptions. The dating of the mask goes back to the Roman era, where the face bears the features of the deceased in terms of the face, eyes, and fringes of hair, and depicted on the funeral mask scenes bearing the Egyptian traditions according to the common Egyptian funerary art style during the Graeco-Roman Period.


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