When their eyes speak: A study of the eye symbol in Mesopotamia

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Archeology-Aswan University, Egypt


This study discusses the eye in ancient Mesopotamian thoughts, from the religious, linguistic, and artistic points of view and their importance. Where the eye, whether in the literal or figurative definition, was of great significance in the light of what art reflected from the huge eyes of the statutes or amulets and idol eye statues, which led some researchers to assume the existence of an Eye god in Mesopotamia, which seems to be up for discussion in the light of the modern discoveries


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-BAM (aka Köcher Medizin): F. Köcher, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen (Berlin: 1963 ff.)
-BL: Langdon, S., Babylonian Liturgies; coll. R. Borger. Paris: 1913.
-CT: Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum (London: 1896)
-STT: O. Gurney/J. Finkelstein, the Sultan-Tepe Tablets, I/II (London: 1957/1964)
-TCL: Textes cunéiformes, Musées du Louvre (Paris: 1910 ff.)
-YOS: Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts (New Haven: 1915 ff.)
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