Alliteration in the First Book of the Epistles of Horace

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Arts, Minia University


Alliteration is one of the types of 'badiah' arts, which is the repetition of one initial letter sound at the beginning of two adjacent words. The repetition of a sound or group of sounds at the beginning of a group of syllables or at the beginning of a group of words in a text aims at generating a sensory effect to please the ear and to make the sound more powerful. 'It is called alliteration because the letters constituting the words share one sound'
In fact, the Roman orators and poets followed the footsteps of the Greeks in their love of using the best of speech, and they were good at using tricks and rhetorical images, such as alliteration, assonance, and metaphor... etc.
The researcher used the descriptive approach in the part of the study that accounts for the verses that have alliteration, used by “Horace” extensively in various forms in the first book of his “letters”. c, q, d, m, p, s, u, v. Through the use of alliteration in his poetic letters, “Horace” was able to manipulate sound to achieve musical effects, as the sound in Latin poetry plays an important role by creating a musical variety to emphasize ideas and connotations intended by the poet.


قائمة الاختصارات
ANRW             Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt.
CJ                     Classical  Journal.
CPh                  Classical  Philology.
CQ                    Classical  Quarterly.
CW                   Classical World.
MDATC           Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici.
OCD                 The Oxford Classical Dictionary.
TAPhA          Transactions  of the  American Philological Society.
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المصادر والمراجع
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خامسًا- مواقع إلكترونية:
https://quizlet. com /105012204/ latin-rhetorical-tropes-and-literary-devices.