Pedum Stick and its Significance in Roman Art - Through Selected Models

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University, Egypt


It is surprising that the functions of a pedum reduced to a single concept! That tool has developed its role from a simple stick to an important multi-symbolic tool. The Romans enriched artistic scenes with tools that carry the concept of symbol and embodiment. So this research aims to explicate the reason for depicting pedum stick on Roman arts and to explain social and cultural identity during the first three centuries AD. The The research hypothesizes the importance of pedum for the Romans and its relationship to their origin and pastoral heritage. Reviewed literature reveals that previous research was limited to highlighting its function as a pastoral tool As far as the researcher knows there is no study that examines the connection of the stick with the Roman society and its traditions. he article focused on the references made in the scattered writings and their artistic images. Further, the study attempts to answer the following questions: of pedum image? Was it depicted in the scene to express the pastoral only? And what is its symbolism? And who was carrying? Why? And what materials are they made of? What is its relationship to the Lituus & stick? The research aims to add new interpretations of the expressive and symbolic functions of the tool. And to It is an expressive and symbolic tool rather than a functional one. It stresses the relationship of the pedum stick to the mythical origin of the Romans and their pastoral heritage and its reflection in Image


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رابعًا: مواقع الإنترنت