Confusion between faith and beliefs during the Greek and Roman eras in Egypt (artistic study)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, Department of Greek and Roman, Egypt


Throughout the ages, human has tried to find a refuge that increases their ability to overcome the difficulties and problems of their daily life and to overcome the dangers that they may face in their daily life. Consequently, they resorted to many means, including falling and submitting to the influence of priests and clerics, which led to the confusion between their faith and their beliefs, whether they were real or fake, perhaps saving them from the dangers of such as a spell, or an amulet.
This research confirms many practices and beliefs that actually took place and were portrayed in Greek art in Egypt; such practices were associated with Egyptian, Jewish and Greek influences.
This thought persisted in the Ptolemaic and Roman eras in Egypt, despite the existence of distinct scientific schools in Alexandria, which did not recognize this. Therefore, it is clear to us that the confusion between the doctrine and beliefs associated with faith or cultural ability was rather outside the rational range, and therefore it is an inherited ritual in the human soul through its various eras to look for a quick way to determine destinies, stop harm and aspire to a better life. This resulted from the lack of religious and political awareness among the public of the Egyptians. The tools of the people such as the spells and amulets were the way to salvation of the human soul, and this matter continued until Roman times and later in the Christian faith.


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