Roman Aquariums: A Study of Unpublished Roman Aquarium in Hermopolis Magna (Architectural and Analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology, Minis University, Egypt

2 Archaeologist and Ph.D. candidate, Egypt


The study deals with an architectural building (i.e an aquarium) found in Hermopolis Magna, Middle Egypt. It probably dates back to the late Roman period. Notably, this aquarium is the only building of its kind in the region of Middle Egypt. This structure is an aquarium, as evidenced by its style of construction, proportions, wall cavities, and pottery pots with broken apertures that fish used to spawn in. The study aims to describe the aquarium and analyze each part of the structure. Moreover, it compares this aquarium with similar aquariums dating back to the same era. In this study, the researcher followed the descriptive, the comparative and the analytical methods.


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