Civilizational Transformations in Tell Awlad Dawood in the Nile Delta until the End of the Old Kingdom

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Archeology, Egypt


It is difficult to provide an accurate description of the social relations and the cultural aspects of prehistoric societies before the emergence of the first unified state in Egypt, namely the Nile Delta societies, for many reasons. One reason is the scarcity of written material. Another reason is the lack of material remains left by these societies. In this research paper, we will try to focus on the civilizational features of the social and the economic structures at Tell Awlad Dawood, one of the archaeological sites in Sharqia Governorate since prehistoric times. This study aims at unveiling the aspects of the subject and coming up with historical conclusions. by publishing the results of the scientific excavations that took place in the Tell, It attempts to save Tell Awlad Dawood and to show the results of its excavations in a historical and a civilized context after the Tell has disappeared. The significance of this study is its being a comparative study of similar monuments from the region to date. Further, it sheds light on its scientific material that has not yet been discovered in the disappearing place.


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