Shrines of Bukhara in the (8th A.H / 14th A.D) Century in the Light of Selected Models: A Comparative Architectural Archaeological Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor-Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt


Central Asia has various funeral architectural patterns, including independent mausoleums (Khor khāneh), mausoleums with a burying room and a visiting room (Khor khāneh-Ziarat Khāneh), and mausoleums of (Khor Khāneh- Ziarat Khāneh with a mosque or Khanqah). All these schemes suggest the innovations and architectural traditions of Bukhara and demonstrate the excellence of architects and artists in adjusting these architectural constructions to the environment of Central Asia. They also prove the variety of architectural and decorative units. Many researchers addressed the architecture of mausoleums in Central Asia, especially in Samarkand, Khiva, and Kokand. However, no detailed study has covered the building schemes of mausoleums in Bukhara in the (8th A.H/14th A.D) century. Therefore, I address selected models of mausoleums in this period using two models: the mausoleum of Boyan Qoli Khan (760A.H/ 1358 A.D) and The mausoleum of Sayf al-Din al-Bakharzi (761 A.H / 1359 A.D). The paper aims to identify the design patterns and the architectural and decorative elements of funeral architecture. It compares these elements with other cities of Uzbekistan currently and in the past. It identifies the most important factors that affected the architectural schemes and the suitability of the environment for the controlling factors of the building. It links the architectural facilities and the political, scientific, and artistic state in Bukhara. Furthermore, it identifies the architectural features by studying architectural systems, determines the most important architectural elements of the complex understudy, and defines and connects the artistic techniques and decorative elements with the artistic state of the time. It explores and analyzes inscriptions on mausoleums to conclude new information.
I selected the two shrines understudy because of their complete architectural and decorative units and items and architectural treatments that have demonstrated the Muslim architect’s mastery of the treatment and adjustment with the surrounding factors, especially the environmental, religious, and functional ones of the buildings. In the present study, I adopted the comparative analytical descriptive approach.


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