The pyramidal tombs in Roman Egypt: (Tuna El-Gabel Tombs)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Archaeology Dep. Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Egypt


The focus of the paper is on the study of the superstructure of pyramidal tombs in Egypt during the Roman period, including a group of tombs from Tuna El-Gabel. Sami Gabra discovered the type of tomb consisting of five tombs before, but they remained unpublished. These tombs were designed with architectural diversity in terms of the difference in pyramidal design in the form of three tombs in the shape of a traditional pyramid and two tombs with a stepped pyramidal top consisting of several terraces, all built of limestone and mortar. The idea of pyramid construction has existed in Egypt since the beginning of the dynastic period.
This type of pyramidal tomb was still built during the New Kingdom and the Late Period, and continued during the Ptolemaic period, especially in Alexandria, as illustrated by the pyramidal tombs in Marina-Alamein and Shatby tombs. In the Roman period, this type of tomb appeared with different dimensions in KomAbu Billo, Oxyrhynchos, Hawara, the tombs of Beir al-Shaghala in Dakhla, and the al-Amhada cemetery.


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