Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine

Document Type : Original Article


department of Archaeology - faculty of Arts- Minis University


Studies of Roman sculpture works in Egypt, particularly statues of intellectual men and women, are rare.  So, the researcher decided to study and publish a statue made of marble preserved in the museum store in Al-Bahnasa in the Bani Mazar province in Minya Governorate with a record number (F411) for an intellectual woman. Its provenance is unknown.
The study included a detailed description of the statue with the main focus on the clothing and the used artistic style despite its missing head. Whether the statue belonged to a woman or a man was difficult to know, yet the study concluded that it belonged to a Roman woman.
Moreover, the study attempts to specify the profession of the person the statue belongs to through a detailed analysis, and by comparing it with similar statues. Like previous research, the study relied on dating the statue by examining how it held its robe. The study concluded by presenting the provenance and history of the statue.


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    ثالثًا- المواقع الإليكترونية: