The Coptic cryptographic writings (Method and Application)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Faculty of arts, New Valley University, Egypt


Coptic cryptography is the secret writing used by a certain group of scribes in order to prevent other people from deciphering or understanding it. Each alphabet has unique properties, like a unique way to work with it, a unique way to decode it. Many reasons drove text writers to employ this writing feature and achieve the intended outcome from it.
The encrypted texts were not only important because of their subject matter but also because they are distinguished in the way of identifying them, as they are characterized by complexity and ambiguity. In addition, the historical background and the need to use them reveal several cultural aspects that had to be unveiled and clarified to a large extent. Hence, the need to focus on showing the weaknesses and strengths of this writing feature called cryptography.
As a result, the study examined the styles of writing that use encryption, their texts, a method for cracking the code, and the locations from which the texts were collected. The study finished with its findings and an appendix of maps of the writings.


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