Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams

Document Type : Original Article


professor, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, Egypt


The main purpose of this study is the analysis and presentation of the multifaceted use of mythological examples (Exampla) in Martial’s poetry, to shed light on his artistic vision, in which he clearly stated his opposition to the revival of ancient epic models and at the same time advocated brevity, as well as the minor volume of literary works. This paper also examined the methodology adopted by the poet to illustrate this vision, which is represented in his ingenious presentation of several examples (exempla) of the epic mythological cycles of great importance (κύκλοι Ἐπικοί μυθικοί): the Trojan cycle, the Theban cycle (κύκλος Θηβαϊκός) and the Argonautic Cycle (Ἀργοναυτικός κύκλος). Consequently, this paper attempts to prove that the poet is projecting these mythological models onto situations of contemporary reality to demonstrate his own perception of some contemporary historical facts and moral values ​​- which have entirely vanished in his contemporary society - as well as the spread of unbridled materialism, immorality, exploitation, betrayal, adultery, greed, etc. The paper also shows, through Martial' allusions to the artistic value and immortal importance of Homeric epics and the Aeneid, that his rejection of the epic as a literary genre is not absolute, but merely blames contemporary creators for wasting their time in creating replicas of the mythological is doomed to fail and does not represent real creativity.


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