Documenting Islamic monuments in Cairo with photographs (The case of the Italian photographer Beniamino Facchinelli and one of his photographs as a model)

Document Type : Original Article


Archaeologist, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Egypt


The invention of photographic technology in the nineteenth century AD was one of the most important discoveries that contributed to a large number of fields, for example, the study of antiquities, especially architectural ones, which had a large share in the use of this technology because it helps in authentic documentation of antiquities as a prominent source for study, examination, and comparison. The research begins with an introduction to the history of photography and explicates its importance as a reliable primary source in the study of antiquities. Further, it deals in some detail with the role of the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe in the process of documenting this heritage through systematic photography used by researchers, scholars, and photographers prompted by the desire for the preservation of this Islamic heritage towards recording it with their lenses. The research dealt in some detail with the Italian photographer Beniamino Facchinelli, one of these professional photographers with a vision and goal of recording the Islamic architectural heritage in Cairo, and one of his photographs that records a rare example of a gate closing in the road and an obsolete part of a reconstructed monument, as a model of the importance of these photographs in archaeological studies.


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    المواقع الرقمية: