Documentation and restoration of stones used in the construction of the walls of the Zafaran Palace - Ain Shams University (case study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Archaeology -Ain Shams University, Egypt


Numerous Egyptian palaces are vulnerable to both internal and external factors of destruction. Therefore, greater research on the nature of the building stones used to construct these palaces, particularly those used for their walls, is required. The current study describes in detail the Zafaran Palace externally and internally. The palace is constructed of limestone on the exterior (external façade), with artificial stone added on top. The interior is divided into different rooms. It also has a basement, a ground floor, and a first floor above those levels. The stone from which the walls of the palace are constructed served as the source of the study's sample. The sample is examined under a microscope before being subjected to X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, and infrared spectroscopy. As a preliminary step, the techniques of old industries on the walls of historic buildings are studied. All of these previous steps were taken to make an integrated plan to restore those walls built of limestone. The restoration process includes careful restoration of those stones or structural restoration by injecting these stones with fortifying materials to improve the condition of the stones, as well as making alternative mortars to connect these stones and improve the structural condition of the walls.


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