Dry land "χέρσος γῆ" between causes and advantages in Egypt during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras "Documentary study"

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Greek and Roman history at the Faculty of Arts, Suez Canal, Ismailia, Egypt


This study centered entirely on Greek papyri dating back to the Ptolemaic and Roman eras in Egypt to gain some information about the circumstances surrounding one type of land, namely "dry land".  It attempted to define the various aspects of this type of land and the factors that led to its drying out, thus illuminating the most important features of this land and how to gain benefits from it. Moreover, it highlights its relationship to the prevailing rental values and the tax exemption imposed on other types of land in that period.


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رابعًا: المواقع الإلكترونية:
nFWB: new Fachw örtebuch-)Greek/English Dictionary)