Ellipsis" Technique in the Syriac Peshitta and Aramaic Targum of the Masoretic Hebrew Text "A Comparative Applied Study"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Hebrew Department, Faculty of arts, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


This study aims to explore the technique of "Ellipsis" as one of the translation techniques, specifically in the translation of Syriac Peshitta and Aramaic compared to the Masoretic Hebrew text. The study emphasizes the investigates of the reasons and patterns of ellipsis, as well as the impact of this technique on the meaning and style of the source text. On one hand, it recognizes that the use of "ellipsis" in translation can potentially compromise meaning and negatively affect style. It seeks to understand how to effectively and accurately manage this technique to improve the quality of effective reading in the text. The research sheds light on achieving a balance between faithfulness to the original text, translation accuracy, and style enhancement. The theoretical framework of the study introduces the definition of Translation Studies, its methodologies, and its techniques. The applied framework involves the analysis of several textual samples that reveal diverse motivations for ellipsis in terms of structural functions, semantic characteristics, and stylistic aspects. The study adopts a comparative applied approach to comprehend the technique of ellipsis, identify linguistic and stylistic tendencies guiding this process, and includes a statistical analysis of the sample texts as a conclusion to the research.


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