The Influence of popular beliefs on Calligraphy Panels in Turkey During the period of the 12th AH/18 AD until the century 14 AH/20AD through Selected Models

Document Type : Original Article


Associated Professor of Islamic archaeology, faculty of Archaeology, Ain Shams University, Egypt


Popular beliefs guide human beings acts to distinguish between good and evil and this avoid bad deeds. they were given religious legitimacy and complement of customs and traditions.
Popular beliefs played an important role in the lives of Muslims, especially in the Ottoman period. A period that witnessed the merging of popular beliefs complying with religion, and it became the main engine of the Ottoman arts associated with the general public, especially the art of calligraphy, which became of popular interest during the Ottoman period, from the 12th century AH/18AD until the early 14th century AH/20AD.
A huge number of calligraphy panels distinguished by artistic and visual creativity and technical progress have been discovered. The present study aims to address different models of linear paintings, such as: Panels of the Ark of Salvation “the Ark of Ashab-ilKehf “, Panels of sikke-işerif Panels of hilyesşerif as examples of calligraphic Panels associated with popular beliefs; The paintings were widely spread among the general public in the period of time under study. First the descriptive part of the study provides a detailed description of these paintings and second, the analytical prt of the study that deals with the nature of the paintings and the reason for their appearance and spread among the public. The Study also illustrate the popular, contemplative and visual significance of calligraphy Panels. and axplains the impact of popular beliefs on these panels, Finally, it highlights the most common methods used in implementing linear paintings.


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