The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Document Type : Original Article


Egyptology department, Faculty of Archaeology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


The present paper aims to publish and study the stela of Inpua, kept at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (CG 20544). It also discusses the meanings of names and titles, copies and translates texts, and comments on the marks and artistic features of the stela. The stela understudy was found by Mariette at the North necropolis of Abydos during the excavations of the Egyptian Authority of Egyptology in 1860. It is a painted limestone round-topped funerary stela (56 cm in height and 40 cm in width) divided into four parts; it features a distinctive depiction of mummified figures and a mat of offerings. The documentation of the offering formula, paleographical and artistic features of the stela concludes that it is dated to the thirteenth Dynasty.


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