Epistolary Exercise from Deir el-Medina: Cairo Ostracon J.E. 96564

Document Type : Original Article


New Valley University, Faculty of Arts, Archaeology department, Egypt


The focus of this study is on one of the many limestone ostraca that originated from the community of Deir el-Medina and are currently housed in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. Specifically, the ostracon under examination is preserved under the number J.E. 96564 (S.R. 1849). It measures 18 x 13.5 cm. The database of the Cairo Egyptian Museum does not provide detailed information about its provenance; however, a note on the right side of the ostracon indicates that it was discovered during the Th. Davis excavation season of 1905-1906 in the Valley of the Kings. A preliminary examination suggests that the content of the ostracon is a letter from Scribe Khonsu to the Chief Workman Nekhemmut. However, it should be noted that this ostracon is likely an epistolary exercise, as evidenced by the repetition of several lines and the presence of numerical trials on the reverse side, which in a stereotypical formula without spelling difficulties, reinforces the impression that we are dealing with the work of a student. Additionally, there is an unparalleled superimposed text written in bold, such as "Scribe Khonsu the Child". The purpose of this superimposed text is unclear, as it could have been written either by Nekhemmut to clarify which Khonsu was intended or by Khonsu the Child himself as a demonstration of his writing abilities. Without further information, it is impossible to determine the true purpose of this text. Based on the content, names, and paleography of the text, it is most likely that the ostracon is from the mid-20th dynasty.


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