Reasons and Symbolism Many Deities Take the Same Animal form In Ancient Egyptian Religious Thought

Document Type : Original Article


Egyptology Department- Faculty of Archaeology- Ain Shams University- Cairo-Egypt


Many deities share the same form, with the presence of some simple symbols that distinguish one from the other, and despite the differences in names, centers of worship, and the roles played by each of them, the purpose of this study is to examine each group of deities that shared the same form and thus to search for the common factor that brings them together so that they take the same form despite their different names, roles, and centers of worship. Perhaps the participation of many deities in the same form is due to what that form represents in the concept of the ancient Egyptian or what this form symbolizes in his thought. Perhaps that symbolism is what made the ancient Egyptians. The multiplicity of deities of the same form is not viewed as a matter of overlap but rather is treated as a natural matter based on the concept that a single symbolism is what brings them together.


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