An Analytical Study of the Roman Mosaic in the Pisidian Antioch Theater


Greek and Roman Archaeology, faculty of Archaeology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Under Mehmet Taşlıalan's direction, excavations in 1991 uncovered the orchestra, spectator seats, and the theatrical façade. Ünal Demirer carried on with the excavations, paying special attention to the orchestra and stage area. There hasn't been any analytical analysis or interpretation of the mosaic's elements since it was discovered in the stage area of the Antioch Theater and published in the theater excavation reports. For this reason, this research paper aims to determine why the mosaic is there and decorates the stage floor of the Antioch Theater, which is located in the Pisidia region, apart from elucidating the symbolic meaning of birds and the supplementary elements in the scene, this analysis will also translate and interpret the panel's text and its significance to the scene as portrayed. Furthermore, the panel's relationship to its discovery site and the broader study area will be explored. The study used an analytical, comparative, and descriptive methodology.


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