The tasks of the job of Antigeuchos (ὁ ἀντιγεοῦχος) agent of the estate owner in light of the Apion archive in the Byzantine era

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Ancient European Civilization and Languages Faculty of Arts Ain Shams University, Egypt


this paper aims to study the function of Antigeuchos the agent of the land owner (ὁ ἀντιγεοῦχος) and his tasks in the light of the Apion archive. This job is one of the jobs that appeared among major estate owners in the Byzantine era, especially in the Apion feudal lord. The aim of studying this job is to shed light on the duties and powers of this employee who is at the top of the administrative apparatus of the estate. The study begins with a general introduction to the job of the feudal owner’s agent in general, with reference to the linguistic derivation of the job title, then the period in which this job appeared, the number of documents that referred to it, and the arrangement of the Antigeuchos in the job hierarchy in the administrative corps of estate. The study also addresses the titles by which the Antigeuchos were called in the documents. Light was also shed on the people who held this job, and the study concludes with a list of the names of Antigeuchoi in the documents of the Apion Archive, they have been arranged in order according to the time period, although most of these documents are not dated precisely. It is worth noting that this function was mentioned in various regions in Egypt in various papyrus collections, but the mention of this function in the Apion Archive was limited to the Oxyrhynchus papyrus collections only.


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