Greek Loan Adjectives in Coptic: Structure, Inflection, and Phrase Construction

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Coptic borrowed a large number of Greek adjectives, and this was its first way to compensate for the deficiency in the adjective category in it, before it realized that the need was no longer only to compensate for this deficiency; rather, it requires a restructuring of the adjective category; to ensure its survival as an independent grammatical category. However, these adjectives did not maintain the same morphological and syntactical systems, rather, it witnessed a major transformation in them when they entered Coptic, and given the lack of a study that deals with what these adjectives were in Greek and the change that occurred to them in Coptic together, this paper comes to provide a comprehensive study of the morphological and syntactical aspects of adjectives in Greek, while monitoring and tracking the change that occurred to them -in both aspects- in Coptic. This study followed the analytical and comparative approaches, as well as the applied one, by selecting the Greek, Sahidic, and Bohairic New Testament texts, to be the sample for the applied study.


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    • اختصارات بحروف عربية:








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