Terms of Deprivation of Liberty in Spell 23 of the Coffin Texts

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, New Valley University, Eygypt.


This paper deals with the deprivation of liberty terms that occurred in spell 23 of the Coffin Texts, their context, significance, and attestation on various occasions in funeral literature. This spell which developed to be BD 169 in the New Kingdom, expressed the fear of the deceased whether of being fettered or constrained or even executed and put sand over his face in the realm of the dead. In this spell, several terms were connected with the idea of not being imprisoned, the liberty of the deceased and his capacity to move without obstacles.  The current paper also aims to analyze the variety of using these terms and the difference in their significance in the current context of the spell 23 and other contexts, with particular focus on the terms DdH, xnr, inT, sA.w.


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