Methods of Write Dating in Hieratic Documents (Papyri - Ostraca)


Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Minia university, Egypt.


Many of the Scholars in Egyptologist know the traditional way in writing used in Writing the Dating forms in Various texts, if this Hieratic Texts or not, The Ancient Egyptian Scribes followed a standardized method in writing Dating forms; it is writing the year, the month, the season, and the day. But I'm here referring to the different colors which the ancient Egyptian Scribe used it, it is a red ink and Black Ink, which is only used in writing the texts, if this Colors related with a Religious doctrine or not? And why the Ancient Egyptian Scribe prefer in Dating forms write the year with a different ink than the other forms? In this paper I will present the three traditional Methods used in write The Dating Forms throw Red and Black ink.
