Complaints of the Obligors in Egypt during the Ptolemaic Era

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Greaco-Roman History, Faculty of Arts - Fayoum University, Egypt


The Ptolemaic kings adopted the principle of monopoly in many economic transactions, and sold many goods to obligors in public auctions for the highest price, However, these obligors were subjected to some attacks by the population, Therefore, they submitted complaints to government officials to recover their rights. This study deals with the complaints of the adherents during the Ptolemaic era, in terms of form, and the areas covered by these complaints such as oil, beer, tax collection, hunting wild birds, selling royal paper, leather, linen, clothing trade, and meat trade. The study then deals with the state's position to these complaints, whether through the enactment of laws or the identification of officials specialized in receiving and deciding on complaints, and the penalties imposed on the aggressors. Finally, it also handles the social and the economic dimensions of these complaints, and the effects they reflect on the state and the individuals.


  • أولًا- البردي:

    • Checklist of editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.



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