The Egyptian Role in the City of Tunip during The New Kingdom

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of History and Civilization of Egypt and Ancient Near East, History Dep., Faculty of Arts, Kafrel Sheikh University, Egypt


This research deals with the Egyptian role in The city of Tunip is one of the most prominent civilized centers in Syria, mentioned in Egyptian and Cuneiform sources during the second millennium BC. This research focuses on the Egyptian role during the New Kingdom in the city of Tunip. It narrates the opinions revolving around determining the location of this city, which led to the identification of Tell Al-Asharna, the modern name for the ancient city of Tunip. Thus, the subject of this study is Egypt's control of this city under the rule of King Thutmose III, King Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), King Ramesses II, and King Ramesses III. The research yielded several results, the most important of which are: Egypt's withdrawal from Asian affairs, especially during the era of Queen Hatshepsut, thus had a major impact on Mitanni's ability to carry out sabotage and destruction in Syria and Iraq. It also enabled Tunib to control the coastal cities in the north of Byblos, thus taking advantage of its natural horizon that extended towards the west. Along with Sumar and Ullaza, Tunip was one of the most important Egyptian fortresses in Syria, built by King Thutmose III during his military campaigns against them.


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