Keyword Index


  • Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]
  • Abydos The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Agricultural tools The sickle in ancient Egypt [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 459-484]
  • Akhmim A Ptolemaic Offering Table of Wedjatshu: British Museum EA1364 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-254]
  • Al-Syufiya School An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]
  • Amarna letters The Egyptian Role in the City of Tunip during The New Kingdom [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-146]
  • Ancient Syria The Egyptian Role in the City of Tunip during The New Kingdom [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-146]
  • Ape Two unpublished Baboon statuettes in the Educational Museum of Archaeology Faculty of Arts – Alexandria University No.270 (inv.727 / 848) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 79-108]
  • Aramaic - Syriac Ellipsis" Technique in the Syriac Peshitta and Aramaic Targum of the Masoretic Hebrew Text "A Comparative Applied Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 563-590]
  • Artistic Influences The Role of Potters in Transferring Artistic Styles in the Field of Ceramics among the Islamic Regions from the Abbasid Era to the Era of the Alawite Family in Egypt (132-1371 AH / 750-1952 AD) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 379-438]


  • Baboon Two unpublished Baboon statuettes in the Educational Museum of Archaeology Faculty of Arts – Alexandria University No.270 (inv.727 / 848) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 79-108]
  • Beniamino Facchinelli Documenting Islamic monuments in Cairo with photographs (The case of the Italian photographer Beniamino Facchinelli and one of his photographs as a model) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 287-326]
  • Birth chair Republishing a Wooden Chair in The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (Je 56353 - Sr5253) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 271-286]
  • Block of sandstone Two Unpublished Blocks from The Greco-Roman Period [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 753-764]
  • Botanical and Archaeo-zoological Data Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]


  • Carpets Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]
  • CG 20544 The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Chronology The Chronological Inconsistency in the Narratives of Selected Greek Myths [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 671-692]
  • Cornice A Middle Kingdom Stela of the Wab-Priest “Senusret-Ankh” and His Wife “Sat-Hathor” in Giza Pyramid Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 255-269]
  • Crown Two Unpublished Blocks from The Greco-Roman Period [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 753-764]
  • Cryptograph The Coptic cryptographic writings (Method and Application) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 205-233]


  • Documentation Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]


  • Eastern Desert Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]
  • Egypt Chickpea in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 485-502]
  • Eighteenth Dynasty Republishing a Wooden Chair in The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (Je 56353 - Sr5253) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 271-286]
  • El Bahnisa Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-78]
  • Ellipsis - Comparative Semitic Linguistics - Translation Studies - Old Testament Ellipsis" Technique in the Syriac Peshitta and Aramaic Targum of the Masoretic Hebrew Text "A Comparative Applied Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 563-590]
  • Emperor Augustus Two Unpublished Blocks from The Greco-Roman Period [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 753-764]
  • Encrypt The Coptic cryptographic writings (Method and Application) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 205-233]
  • Endowment Architecture An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]
  • Epic Cycles Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]
  • Epic Poetry Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]
  • Epigram Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]
  • Exchange of Foodstuffs Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]


  • False door A Middle Kingdom Stela of the Wab-Priest “Senusret-Ankh” and His Wife “Sat-Hathor” in Giza Pyramid Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 255-269]
  • Fatwas An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]


  • Genealogy - Trojan War The Chronological Inconsistency in the Narratives of Selected Greek Myths [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 671-692]
  • Greco-Roman Period Two Unpublished Blocks from The Greco-Roman Period [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 753-764]
  • Greek papyri Means of exciting Humor in Menander’s comedy in the Light of “Hated Man” and Lost Plays Fragments [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-54]
  • Greeks The Chronological Inconsistency in the Narratives of Selected Greek Myths [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 671-692]


  • Harvest - Funerary equipment - Foundation deposits The sickle in ancient Egypt [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 459-484]
  • Hebrew Ellipsis" Technique in the Syriac Peshitta and Aramaic Targum of the Masoretic Hebrew Text "A Comparative Applied Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 563-590]
  • Horus Two Unpublished Blocks from The Greco-Roman Period [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 753-764]


  • Inpua The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Islamic Ceramics The Role of Potters in Transferring Artistic Styles in the Field of Ceramics among the Islamic Regions from the Abbasid Era to the Era of the Alawite Family in Egypt (132-1371 AH / 750-1952 AD) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 379-438]


  • King Thutmose III The Egyptian Role in the City of Tunip during The New Kingdom [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-146]
  • Knot Analysis Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]
  • Krokodilo Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]


  • Large landowners The Cognomen and Identity of the Largest Landowner in the Hermopolite Fiscal Register (P. Stras. X 901- 903) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 743-752]
  • Letter - Scribe Khons - Chief workman Nekhemmut Epistolary Exercise from Deir el-Medina: Cairo Ostracon J.E. 96564 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 765-782]
  • Levha - Ashab i Kehf - sikke i şerif The Influence of popular beliefs on Calligraphy Panels in Turkey During the period of the 12th AH/18 AD until the century 14 AH/20AD through Selected Models [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 591-626]
  • Liquids Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]
  • Literate Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-78]


  • Martial Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]
  • Menander Means of exciting Humor in Menander’s comedy in the Light of “Hated Man” and Lost Plays Fragments [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-54]
  • Middle Kingdom A Middle Kingdom Stela of the Wab-Priest “Senusret-Ankh” and His Wife “Sat-Hathor” in Giza Pyramid Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 255-269]
  • Middle Kingdom The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Mutahhir Mosque An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]
  • Myth The Chronological Inconsistency in the Narratives of Selected Greek Myths [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 671-692]
  • Mythographers The Chronological Inconsistency in the Narratives of Selected Greek Myths [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 671-692]
  • Mythological Exempla Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]


  • New Greek comedy Means of exciting Humor in Menander’s comedy in the Light of “Hated Man” and Lost Plays Fragments [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-54]


  • Object Identity Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]
  • Offering table A Ptolemaic Offering Table of Wedjatshu: British Museum EA1364 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-254]
  • Ostraca - Ramesside period Epistolary Exercise from Deir el-Medina: Cairo Ostracon J.E. 96564 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 765-782]
  • Ottoman Period An establishment (insha') document in the Ottoman period: new angels for an architectural study of Sheikh Mutahhir Mosque in Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 327-378]


  • Palliati Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-78]
  • Pawenesh - epistolary exercise - Deir el-Medina - Valley of the Kings Epistolary Exercise from Deir el-Medina: Cairo Ostracon J.E. 96564 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 765-782]
  • Photograph Documenting Islamic monuments in Cairo with photographs (The case of the Italian photographer Beniamino Facchinelli and one of his photographs as a model) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 287-326]
  • Potters The Role of Potters in Transferring Artistic Styles in the Field of Ceramics among the Islamic Regions from the Abbasid Era to the Era of the Alawite Family in Egypt (132-1371 AH / 750-1952 AD) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 379-438]
  • Ptolemaic - Roman Chickpea in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 485-502]


  • Registration Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]
  • Rent Dry land "χέρσος γῆ" between causes and advantages in Egypt during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras "Documentary study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 503-562]
  • Restoration - Zafaran Palace Documentation and restoration of stones used in the construction of the walls of the Zafaran Palace - Ain Shams University (case study) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 439-457]
  • Roman The pyramidal tombs in Roman Egypt: (Tuna El-Gabel Tombs) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-26]
  • Roman Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-78]
  • Roman Egypt The Cognomen and Identity of the Largest Landowner in the Hermopolite Fiscal Register (P. Stras. X 901- 903) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 743-752]
  • Roman period Food and Drink in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period: Readings in the Greek Ostraca from Krokodilo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 693-712]


  • Secret The Coptic cryptographic writings (Method and Application) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 205-233]
  • Sickle The sickle in ancient Egypt [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 459-484]
  • Sistrum player A Ptolemaic Offering Table of Wedjatshu: British Museum EA1364 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-254]
  • Statistical Analysis Collections Management and Use of Object ID at the Carpet Department of the Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo "A Museological and Practical Study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 627-670]
  • Statue Unpublished Statue of a Literate Woman from El- Bahnasa Museum Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 55-78]
  • Stela A Middle Kingdom Stela of the Wab-Priest “Senusret-Ankh” and His Wife “Sat-Hathor” in Giza Pyramid Magazine [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 255-269]
  • Stela The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Sultan Qaytbay Documenting Islamic monuments in Cairo with photographs (The case of the Italian photographer Beniamino Facchinelli and one of his photographs as a model) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 287-326]


  • Taxes Dry land "χέρσος γῆ" between causes and advantages in Egypt during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras "Documentary study" [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 503-562]
  • The British Museum A Ptolemaic Offering Table of Wedjatshu: British Museum EA1364 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-254]
  • Thirteenth Dynasty The Late Middle Kingdom Stela of Inpua CG 20544 in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 713-742]
  • Thoth Two unpublished Baboon statuettes in the Educational Museum of Archaeology Faculty of Arts – Alexandria University No.270 (inv.727 / 848) [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 79-108]
  • Trojan Cycles Τhe Functiοn οf Μythοlοgical "Εxempla" in Μartial's Εpigrams [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 147-204]
  • Tunip The Egyptian Role in the City of Tunip during The New Kingdom [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 109-146]


  • Wedjatshu A Ptolemaic Offering Table of Wedjatshu: British Museum EA1364 [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 235-254]


  • Zerendud The Influence of popular beliefs on Calligraphy Panels in Turkey During the period of the 12th AH/18 AD until the century 14 AH/20AD through Selected Models [Volume 40, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 591-626]